Public Authorities Articles
Biden Administration Unveils Tax Blueprint as Part Of American Jobs Plan
Posted by Mark Janulewicz on April 07, 2021
The Biden administration on March 31, 2021, unveiled a jobs and infrastructure plan, the American Jobs Plan, to address the nation’s pressing infrastructure needs. The plan calls for about $2 trillion in spending over eight years.
Comprehensive COVID-19 Relief Package
Posted by Cory Van Deusen V on March 15, 2021
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP Act), the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package aimed at stabilizing the economy, providing needed relief to individuals and small businesses, and improving and accelerating the administration of coronavirus vaccines and testing.
Just in Time for the Holidays: COVID-19-Related Relief
Posted by Megan Morris-Smith on December 23, 2020
Congress just passed a new bill to provide COVID-19 pandemic relief. The massive 5,500-plus-page relief package contains direct payments to eligible individuals, a 100% business meal tax deduction for the next two years, additional funding for Paycheck Protection Program loans, and much more. This article provides a brief rundown of some highlights of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021
New Stimulus Package Passed December 21, 2020
Posted by Megan Morris-Smith on December 23, 2020
The U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (bill), a massive tax, funding, and spending bill that contains a nearly $900 billion coronavirus aid package. The emergency coronavirus relief package aims to bolster the economy, provide relief to small businesses and the unemployed, deliver checks to individuals, and provide funding for COVID-19 testing and the administration of vaccines.
Summary of GASB Statement No. 95
Posted by Sara Dayton on May 08, 2020
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, GASB has postponed the effective dates of certain provisions in Statements and Implementation Guides that first became effective or are scheduled to become effective for periods beginning after June 15, 2018, and later.
OMB Guidance Provides Relief to Federal Award Recipients
Posted by Seth Hennard on March 30, 2020
In response to the extended decrease in the operational capacity of many entities due to COVID-19, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has provided administrative, financial management, and audit requirement relief for certain Federal grant regulations.
House Updates Aid Package to Help Individuals Affected by COVID-19
Posted by Mark Janulewicz on March 18, 2020
This article summarizes the leave provisions contained in the bill passed by the House on March 16, 2020. The Senate is expected to make significant changes to the bill, which may expand the provisions described below to more employers.
Engaging Leased Employees - What are the Concerns?
Posted by Kristin Re’ on January 17, 2020
The "gig economy" has opened plenty of new opportunities for employers and workers. However, leasing employees isn't completely worry-free. Depending on how you manage worker leasing relationships, you may still have certain responsibilities.
Should Employers Allow Emotional Support Animals in the Workplace?
Posted by Stephanie Wilkinson on June 14, 2019
Many people have long recognized and cherished the emotional support available from their pets. An emerging category of service animal is a psychiatric service dog.
Close-Up On Financial Statements
Posted by Douglas Muth on June 12, 2019
There are three types of financial statements. One is the income statement. Can you name the other two?