Matrimonial Consulting Articles
The Impact of Divorce on Your Estate Plan
Posted by Robert Ingrasci on December 15, 2021
A divorce is a life event that calls for an estate plan review and possible revisions.
Business Owners: Understand the Tax Implications of Divorce
Posted by Robert Torella on August 26, 2021
Divorce may have tax implications for the spouses involved, especially if one or both of them owns a business. Here are some of the issues involved.
Getting Married Again? Revisit Your Estate Plan
Posted by on January 30, 2020
A second marriage calls for an estate plan review and, possibly, the addition of new legal protections. This article discusses three items to consider: Prenuptial agreements, beneficiary designations and trusts to protect both the new spouse and children from a previous marriage.
Wealth Planning Opportunity | Spousal Limited Access Trust
Posted by Cheryl A. Jankowski on May 09, 2019
Tax reform legislation doubled the federal estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax exemption to $11.18MM (as indexed for inflation) per person. This created a seven-year window for increased wealth transfer planning.