Financial Services Articles
Retirement Plan Options for Small Businesses
Posted by Thomas Burns on April 13, 2023
If you’re a small business owner, you may be reluctant to set up a retirement plan because of the administrative burdens. Here are two options to consider that have far fewer requirements than traditional qualified retirement plans.
Don’t Limit Your Business to a State Retirement Plan
Posted by Austin Robare on February 01, 2023
Many states across the nation are passing legislation to provide workers with access to employer-sponsored retirement plans. In this article we introduce you to this legislation and share the benefits of selecting a 401 (k) plan outside of the mandated state option.
Gauge Real Time Financial Performance
Posted by Jonathan Roller on December 27, 2021
What are the keys to your company’s success? Read on to help unlock the answer.
When Should You Take Social Security Benefits?
Posted by Jeffrey Budzinski on March 29, 2021
The age that retirees may start receiving 100% of their Social Security benefit ranges from 65 for people born in 1937 or earlier to 67 for people born in 1960 or later. However, you can also opt to receive reduced monthly benefits as early as age 62 — or you can choose to receive a higher monthly benefit by deferring receipt up until age 70.
How to Avoid Penalties on Early Retirement Account Withdrawals
Posted by D’Marie Kleeman on August 10, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many people borrowing from their companies' qualified retirement plans. If economic fallout from the pandemic causes you to default on one of these loans, it will cause negative tax and retirement-saving consequences.
Collect Art? Make Sure Your Estate Plan Addresses It
Posted by Robert Ingrasci on July 16, 2020
For art collectors, it's critical that their estate plans address their collections separately from other types of assets. That's because there are special appraisal and documentation rules for art. Collectors also need to decide whether they want to sell, bequest or donate their collection. Donating can be an effective way to reduce capital gains and estate taxes.
IRS Issues Guidance on COVID-19 Distributions from Retirement Plans
Posted by D’Marie Kleeman on July 16, 2020
The IRS recently issued guidance related to coronavirus-related distributions allowed under the CARES Act. The guidance applies to qualified individuals, employers, and eligible retirement plans. It explains who qualifies to take an eligible distribution. It also includes relief to anyone who already took a required minimum distribution in 2020 from certain retirement accounts.
College Costs: How to Maximize Your Return on Investment
Posted by Jeffrey Budzinski on May 27, 2020
Many families view college as an investment in their children's futures, but the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is causing families to reevaluate their options — and, in some cases, make major, life-altering changes. Here's an overview of how much it currently costs to pursue an undergraduate degree and strategies to consider to cut higher education costs during these uncertain times.
Business Continuity Plans
Posted by Jeffrey Budzinski on April 22, 2020
As a business owner, you’ve worked hard for your success. The long hours, the difficult decisions, and the sacrifices you have made have led to where you are today. The last thing you want is to suffer a disruption to your business. However, in the event that you do experience an unavoidable mishap, it may be smart to have a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in place.
Now May Be a Good Time for a Roth Conversion
Posted by D’Marie Kleeman on April 06, 2020
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. The financial markets have plummeted over the last month. But there's an upside for long-term investors: Low market values may provide a tax-smart opportunity to convert your traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. This strategy is simple, but it's not right for everyone. Here are some factors to consider before you execute a Roth conversion in 2020.